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In days of old, many tribes, particularly those from the Northern Hemisphere, were thought to have been either good or evil. However, these categories are now seen as crude and ultimately incorrect. In reality that does not exist anymore. The world is a much more complex place than these simplistic categorizations. That is why we should be careful before we label any group as "good" or "bad". The Chaco Indians, who live in the northern region of Argentina, are no exception. Their world is complex and multi-dimensional. For example, they seem to treat outsiders with kindness and tolerance one minute and then be hostile the next. The Chaco Indians have a reputation for being cruel and merciless, but they also seem to be peaceful and tolerant of foreigners when they need to be. To understand this complex people we must begin by discussing the history of the Chaco Indians from their point of view. This way we can get a better understanding of who these people are and how they view themselves in relation to the world around them. The Chaco Indians are an amalgamation of different aboriginal peoples who have lived in the area of the Chaco, which today covers parts of Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. The most important of these groups are the Tobas, who make up about 30% of the current Argentine population, although in earlier times they were much more numerous. The Toba means "people" in their language. The Toba believe that they were created by a god named Nguillatun. However, when they migrated to this world from another realm, their god let them enter this world on their own. Thus according to stories told by the Toba their original world was empty with no vegetation or animals. After living in those conditions for many years the Toba decided that they would like to plant and cultivate their world as it was not unlike their own. However, when the Toba began to plant and cultivate things they were confronted by a problem: there was nothing to eat and no animals existed. The Toba were sad and began to cry, but after so much crying they got tired and went back into Nguillatun's world with no food. When they returned, Nguillatun asked them why they had come back empty handed. They replied that he had not provided food for them. Then Nguillatun told them that in this world they would have to cultivate and bring food for themselves. The Toba said that they could not do it and left empty handed once again. After several more trips back and forth Nguillatun finally gave up on them and went to sleep. The Toba returned the next day with something in their hands, but when they got there Nguillatun was still sleeping. The Toba quietly put down the things in their hands and went back home. cfa1e77820