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Brandon the Paparazzi: A Masterclass in Celebrity Journalism


At first, Brandon likely had a few precautions about following in the footsteps of his parents, '90s it-couple Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson. As he told Interview, he and his brother, Dylan Jagger Lee, learned about how paparazzi operate at a young age.

The paparazzi release a photo of Eddie and Loren. Adriana heats up an argument with Loren and Mel. Chloe takes Tyler with her to a meeting with Oz and Oz has big things for the both of them. Ian takes Eddie to Rumour for brunch and they bump into Tyler.

Brandon the Paparazzi

Kalamazoo, Michigan teenager Jessica Olson is annoyed by her older sister Sara's obsession with teen pop idol Christopher Wilde, and is unhappy to have her spring break used visiting her widowed grandmother in Hollywood, California. She is even more disgusted by Sara's plans to drag her along to stalk Christopher. Meanwhile, behind the scenes of celebrity, Christopher has earned a reputation as a "spoiled punk" who often scuffles with paparazzi. He is on the brink of landing a movie deal, despite the director's reluctance to give him the role due to his reputation and celebrity. In order to prove that he is serious about landing the role, Christopher agrees to remain out of the tabloids for a while.

Sara convinces Jessica to sneak out with her to crash the birthday party of Christopher's girlfriend, famous model Alexis Bender, where Christopher is scheduled to perform. Christopher sneaks in and out of the party to avoid being caught, and hits Jessica with the exit door while she searches for Sara in the crowd. He takes Jessica to a hospital to make sure she hasn't suffered a concussion, then brings her to his Beverly Hills mansion so that he can make an appearance for the film director before taking her home. Jessica allows Christopher to stay in her grandmother's garage for the night when he learns the paparazzi have followed him. The next day, Sara brings Jessica to Malibu in the hopes of finding Christopher there. Jessica recognizes a disguised Christopher on the beach and approaches him, but the two are forced to make a quick exit from the beach when the paparazzi arrive; once they get away, Christopher shows Jessica around Los Angeles.

While attempting to return to Malibu, they are again spotted by the paparazzi, but manage to elude them by driving off the main road, losing Jessica's grandmother's car in a mud pool quicksand in the process. While walking back to Malibu, they get into a heated argument after Jessica calls Christopher out on his superficiality. Eventually, Christopher confides that he enjoyed hanging out with Jessica because she appreciated him for who he was as a person rather than his fame. They eventually return to the beach, where they almost kiss until Christopher realizes he could be recognized and panics. He tells Jessica that they can never speak to each other again, and that no one can know what happened between them that day. Heartbroken and angry, Jessica returns home to Kalamazoo with her family. Alexis finds out about Jessica and breaks up with Christopher.

Christopher later finds out that paparazzi have documented his and Jessica's relationship, and is persuaded by his managers to lie and say she was just a fan. Meanwhile, as Jessica is flocked by paparazzi at her house in Kalamazoo, she watches him tell a talk show host that he has never met Jessica. Angry at the way the media has forced Christopher to suppress his real self, she confronts the paparazzi and reprimands them for their dehumanization and objectification of celebrities. Jessica then becomes notorious for supposedly "lying" about having met Christopher. Christopher's best friend, Stubby, encourages Christopher to make his own choices. Christopher then turns down the movie role and fires his parents as his managers.

Later, Sara takes Jessica to a school dance with her. Christopher makes an appearance at the dance and apologizes to Jessica on stage as well as singing a song he had written for her. When the paparazzi appear at the dance, he confesses that he was the one who lied, and admits his feelings for Jessica. She forgives him and the two agree to go out on a proper date.

An edgy and extravagant YA novel about a glamorous boy named Jude. School is just like a film set: there's The Crew, who make things happen, The Extras who fill the empty desks, and The Movie Stars, whom everyone wants tagged in their Facebook photos. But Jude doesn't fit in. He's not part of The Crew because he isn't about to do anything unless it's court-appointed; he's not an Extra because nothing about him is anonymous; and he's not a Movie Star because even though everyone knows his name like an A-lister, he isn't invited to the cool parties. As the director calls action, Jude is the flamer that lights the set on fire. Before everything turns to ashes from the resulting inferno, Jude drags his best friend Angela off the casting couch and into enough melodrama to incite the paparazzi, all while trying to fend off the haters and win the heart of his favourite co-star Luke Morris. It's a total train wreck! But train wrecks always make the front page.

At the time, the Trinity were the most photographed starlets in the world (2006 was a wild time), hounded day and on their many nights, so getting all three together was the Unholy Grail for paparazzi.

And, of course, Hilton and Spears are on wedding guest terms, so perhaps it's only a matter of time before the Holy Trinity hits us (baby) one more time with an iconic photo to sate the paparazzi's thirst for another decade and a half. 2ff7e9595c

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